samedi 11 août 2007

Becoming an instant mother - Baby 101

Baby 101 - I was thrown into it a few months ago when I picked up my Chinese daughter Xin Fa at the Social Welfare Institute in Southern China (Nanchang to be more precise).

Imagine a mother who finally picks up the daughter she has been waiting for two years and does not bring a diaper, a bottle nor a cookie. But I brought her a little toy! You`d say; you are not even fit to become a mother. I would reply; yes you are right but give me an hour to get my "motherhood speed into gear".

The fact was that our guide told us there were no need to bring anything as we were to spend only 45 minutes at the Welfare Institute to pick up our adopting daughters (we were 11 couples from Canada who had traveled together).

Once I held a crying and very much disturbed Xin Fa in my arms, her Nanny watched me for a few minutes and realized I had little (say no) experience with a 11 month old child. She kindly came to me with a bottle. The little one stopped crying immediately. Our conversation was made out of body language and hand signing as we neither spoke the other tongue.

So much for motherhood! But I did not give up, not yet on these first instants. I believe that human beings can perfect themselves and learn from their mistakes, can`t we?

I became a better parent the moment we entered our hotel room (my dad accompanied me in this "love journey"). I fed her properly and held her like any "normal" mom would do. See, there is hope when one is given the chance to prove herself!

I did not wash Xin Fa although she stunk. I figured she had already too much to get used. First, she had been "thrown" into someone else`s arms who did not resemble any other Chinese nanny she had knew, she spoke a different language and above all, smelled differently, no wonder Xin Fa was at lost.

I fed her and played with her. She slowly put a smile on her little face. By time afternoon came, she locked her eyes into mine and seemed to say: I get it now, you are now the person who will take care of me.

Since then, four pounds and two inches later, its been bliss between Xin Fa and I.

An "adopted" mother

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